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Report No.

Experimental investigation on characteristic of entrained bubbles due to surface vortex

Ezure, Toshiki ; Kimura, Nobuyuki; Miyakoshi, Hiroyuki; Kamide, Hideki 

According to the compact sizing of reactor vessel, gas entrainment at the free surface of sodium coolant becomes one of the significant issues in the latest sodium-cooled fast reactor design. In the present study, some basic experiments for gas entrainment due to surface vortices were performed in order to obtain the fundamental knowledge about entrained bubbles. The distribution of bubble diameters was obtained from an image processing technique from the images. In addition to that, velocity field and surface shape of gas core were measured to grasp the influences of the local velocity field on the gas core shape and detached bubbles. The results showed that the mean equivalent diameters of bubbles were varied from 1.34 to 2.06 mm in the range of present experimental conditions.



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