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Report No.

Nondestructive evaluation of neutron irradiation damage on type 316 stainless steel by measurement of magnetic properties

Takaya, Shigeru  ; Yamagata, Ichiro ; Ichikawa, Shoichi; Nagae, Yuji ; Aoto, Kazumi 

We newly developed a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) for neutron irradiated materials to investigate the relationship between neutron irradiation damage and magnetic property. The magnetization curves of type 316 stainless steels irradiated in a fast reactor JOYO, a light water reactor JRR-3M or both of them were measured. The ranges of dose and He content were about 0.1-1.8 dpa and 0.5-35 appm, respectively. As the result, it was revealed that the magnetization at 5 kOe increases monotonously with dose regardless of He content. This result shows the possibility of nondestructive evaluation of dose of structural materials by VSM measurement of surveillance samples.



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Category:Engineering, Electrical & Electronic



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