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 年 ~ 

Thermo-responsive extraction of cadmium(II) ion with TPEN-NIPA gel; Effect of the number of polymerizable double bond toward gel formation and the extracting behavior

TPEN-NIPAゲルによるカドミウム(II)イオンの温度応答性抽出; 重合性二重結合数のゲル化及び抽出挙動への効果

福岡 幸男*; 喜田 達也*; 中島 康孝*; 津曲 孝之*; 渡部 渉*; 稲葉 優介*; 森 敦紀*; 松村 達郎  ; 中野 義夫*; 竹下 健二*

Fukuoka, Sachio*; Kida, Tatsuya*; Nakajima, Yasutaka*; Tsumagari, Takayuki*; Watanabe, Wataru*; Inaba, Yusuke*; Mori, Atsunori*; Matsumura, Tatsuro; Nakano, Yoshio*; Takeshita, Kenji*


N,N,N',N'-(tetrakis-2-pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine (TPEN) derivatives bearing the different number (1-4) of a double bond moiety on the pyridine ring are synthesized and subjected to copolymerization with N-isopropylacrylamide in the presence of AIBN. The obtained poly(TPEN-NIPA)gels show thermo-responsive swelling/shrinking behaviors and are employed for the extraction of cadmium(II) ion from the aqueous solution to examine the relationship of the gel characteristics and the extraction performance. The polymer gels composed of the TPEN derivative bearing three or four double bonds exhibit temperature-dependent change of swelling and shrinking in water. These gels extract CdII ion efficiently from the aqueous solution in the swelling state at 5$$^{circ}$$C, while little extraction was observed at 45$$^{circ}$$C with shrinking.



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分野:Chemistry, Organic



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