※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Study on evaluation of gas entrainment in nuclear reactor vessel using numerical simulation method

伊藤 啓; 功刀 資彰*; 大島 宏之; 河村 拓己*

Ito, Kei; Kunugi, Tomoaki*; Ohshima, Hiroyuki; Kawamura, Takumi*


To evaluate the gas entrainment (GE) phenomenon in sodium-cooled fast reactors, two methods are proposed in this study. One is a CFD-based prediction method and the other is a high-precision numerical simulation method for interfacial flows. In the CFD-based prediction method, a theoretical flow model is applied to the CFD result obtained on a relatively coarse mesh to determine the indicators of the GE phenomenon, e.g. interfacial dent. This method was validated by evaluating the occurrence condition of the GE phenomenon in the full-scale testing of a fast reactor. On the other hand, several numerical algorithms were developed to achieve the high-precision numerical simulation of interfacial flows. In the development, physics-basis formulations were derived to improve the simulation accuracy on interface tracking. As a result, it was confirmed that the developed numerical simulation method can reproduce the GE phenomenon observed in a simple GE experiment.



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