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Synthesis, crystal structure, and magnetic properties of Bi$$_3$$Mn$$_4$$O$$_{12}$$(NO$$_3$$) oxynitrate comprising $$S$$=3/2 honeycomb lattice

Smirnova, O.*; Azuma, Masaki*; Kumada, Nobuhiro*; Kusano, Yoshihiro*; Matsuda, Masaaki; Shimakawa, Yuichi*; Takei, Takahiro*; Yonesaki, Yoshinori*; Kinomura, Nobukazu*

Neutron diffraction and FT-IR analysis revealed that the novel oxynitrate Bi$$_3$$Mn$$_4$$O$$_{12}$$ (NO$$_3$$) prepared by hydrothermal synthesis is of a new structural type including flat NO$$_3$$ layers alternating with blocks of two PbSb$$_2$$O$$_6$$-like layers. Mn$$^{4+}$$ ($$S$$=3/2) forms a regular honeycomb lattice, and magnetic susceptibility data indicated two-dimensional magnetism. Despite its Weiss constant of $$-$$257K, no long-range ordering was observed down to 0.4K because of the magnetic frustration due to the competition between the nearest and the next-nearest antiferromagnetic interactions.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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