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Report No.

Improvement of hydrogen absorption characteristics of Pd using irradiation of heavey ions

Abe, Hiroshi; Aone, Shigeo*; Morimoto, Ryo*; Uchida, Hirohisa*; Oshima, Takeshi

The introduction of vacancies in Pd was found to be effective for an increase in the initial hydrogen absorption rate in a previous study. Also, it was reported that the initial hydrogen absorption rate depends strongly on the surface conditions of metals. Heavy ions with keV ranges can create severe damage and high densities of vacancy near the surface of materials. As well known, the formation of hydride phases can be facilitated by the presence of vacancy because vacancy acts as hydrogen trapping site to form hydrides. Thus, the hydrogen absorption characteristics of Pd may be improved by the irradiation of heavy ions. As a result, the initial hydrogen absorption rate increased due to ion irradiation, and the value became 3$$sim$$10 times higher than un-irradiated Pd.



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