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Report No.

Data exploration system for the evaluation of numerical simulation results

Miyamura, Hiroko  ; Nakajima, Kohei*; Suzuki, Yoshio   ; Hayashi, Sachiko; Takemiya, Hiroshi; Nakajima, Norihiro  

In this paper, we propose data exploration system for the evaluation of numerical simulation results. With the improvement in the performance of supercomputers, numerical simulations have become larger and more complex, which has made the interpretation of simulation results more difficult. Moreover, occasionally, users cannot evaluate numerical simulation results, even though they have spent a great deal of time, because interactive visualization is impossible for such large-scale data. Therefore, we herein propose a data exploration system with which users evaluate large-scale time-series data that has been obtained in a parallel and distributed environment. The proposed system allows users to simultaneously visualize and analyze data in both the global and local scales.



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