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Benchmark test of drift-kinetic and gyrokinetic codes through neoclassical transport simulations


佐竹 真介*; 井戸村 泰宏   ; 洲鎌 英雄*; 渡邉 智彦*

Satake, Shinsuke*; Idomura, Yasuhiro; Sugama, Hideo*; Watanabe, Tomohiko*


Two simulation codes that solve the drift-kinetic or gyrokinetic equation in toroidal plasmas are benchmarked by comparing the simulation results of neoclassical transport. In a tokamak configuration, neoclassical radial heat flux and the force balance relation, which relates the parallel mean flow with radial electric field and temperature gradient, are compared between these two codes, and their results are also compared with the local neoclassical transport theory. It is found that the simulation results of the two codes coincide very well in a wide rage of plasma collisionality parameter $$nu^* = 0.01 sim 10$$ and also agree with the theoretical estimations. The time evolution of radial electric field and particle flux, and the radial profile of the geodesic acoustic mode frequency also coincide very well.



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分野:Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications



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