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Report No.

High-tech composites to ancient metals

Zhang, S. Y.*; Godfrey, E.*; Kockelmann, W.*; Paradowska, A.*; Bull, M. J.*; Korsunsky, A. M.*; Abbey, B.*; Xu, P. G.   ; Tomota, Yo*; Liljedahl, D.*; Zanellato, O.*; Fitzpatrick, M.*; Daymond, M. R.*; Toda, R. M.*; Holt, R. A.*; Kelleher, J.*; Siano, S.*; Santisteban, J.*

Neutron diffraction methods offer a direct measure of the elastic component of strain deep within crystalline materials through precise characterisation of the interplanar crystal lattice spacing. The unique non-destructive nature of this measurement technique is particularly beneficial in the context of engineering design and archaeological materials science, since it allows the evaluation of a variety of structural and deformational parameters inside real components without material removal, or at worst with minimal interference. We review a wide range of recent experimental studies using the Engin-X materials engineering instrument at the ISIS neutron source and show how the technique provides the basis for developing improved insight into materials of great importance to applications and industry.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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