Present status of the accelerator system in the IFMIF/EVEDA project
神藤 勝啓
; Vermare, C.*
Shinto, Katsuhiro; Vermare, C.*
)の連続ビームを生成することである。EVEDAにおける加速器系の主な活動は、IFMIF加速器実機の低エネルギー部にあたる入射器,RFQリナック,超伝導リナックの初段で構成される原型加速器による工学実証と、その成果を含めたIFMIF加速器の工学設計である。この論文では、日本と欧州の各実施機関で設計,製作及び個別試験をして、六ヶ所村の国際核融合エネルギー研究センター内IFMIF/EVEDA開発試験棟で統合試験をする9MeV/125mA D
The IFMIF/EVEDA project, one of the three projects under contract with the BA agreement between EU and Japan, was started in the middle of 2007. During these two years, the design of an accelerator prototype has been progressed as the engineering validation activity and the base point of the engineering design activity for the IFMIF. The accelerator components for the prototype are being shifted to the manufacturing phase through the design reviews. In this article, the summary of the design of the prototype and the beam test plan of the prototype at Rokkasho BA site are described.