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Report No.

Helium release from the uranium-plutonium mixed oxide (MOX) fuel irradiated to high burn-up in a fast breeder reactor (FBR)

Katsuyama, Kozo ; Ishimi, Akihiro ; Maeda, Koji  ; Nagamine, Tsuyoshi; Asaka, Takeo

The helium releases were investigated in FBR fuel pins irradiated to high burn-up. The released amounts of helium gas increased with the increase of burn-up, but their data were scattered in the region of high burn-up region. This was understood to be caused by the differences of $$^{241}$$Am contents among fuel pellets, because this nuclide generates $$^{242}$$Cm which undergoes alpha decay at a short half life.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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