Regulation and management of resuming operation following reactor trouble events in JMTR
長尾 美春 ; 代谷 誠治*; 河村 弘
Nagao, Yoshiharu; Shiroya, Seiji*; Kawamura, Hiroshi
The JMTR will restart on FY2011 after the refurbishment for new irradiation researches and utilizations. Higher operating availability is indispensable to satisfy increased irradiation demand after restart. The reactor operation must therefore increases from 180 days per year to 210 days per year. To achieve 210 days/year operation, preventive maintenance will be carried out systematically according to the maintenance plan after restart. In addition to shorten reactor maintenance time, it should be inevitable to shorten shutdown time caused by unexpected reactor scram. Considering how to achieve reactor operation of 210 days per year stably, the shortening of the shutdown time between reactor scram and restart is one of the most important items to be realized. The scram events in the JMTR and the system of safety regulation were therefore surveyed and investigated from the viewpoint of optimization of the research and test reactor management.