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クリアランスレベル検認評価システムの開発,1; 評価対象核種選定プログラムの作成

Development of clearance level verification evaluation system, 1; Fabrication of program for selection of nuclides for measurement and assessment

立花 光夫; 石神 努

Tachibana, Mitsuo; Ishigami, Tsutomu


Clearance activities for a large amount of waste with decommissioning of nuclear reactor facilities have been planned in the JAEA. To improve efficiency of clearance activities, the CLEVES has been developed to support safe and secure clearance of wastes. Program for selection of nuclides for meas. and assessment was fabricated for selecting nuclides to be evaluated based on relative importance measure for nuclides according to contamination source or contamination property of clearance objects. In addition, case studies ware carried out by using the program based on data concerning actual clearance activities in the JAEA. As a result, it has been found to be able to select nuclides for meas. and assessment safely by the individual method which evaluates relative importance measure of each contamination source, when it is difficult to analyze evaluated activity of nuclide. In this report, outline of the program was described.



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