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Report No.

Experimental studies on penetration of pulverized clay-based grout

Fujita, Tomoo ; Sugita, Yutaka ; Toida, Masaru*

For the geological disposal of high level radioactive wastes, an excavation damaged zone (EDZ) having high hydraulic conductivity resulting from the development of fractures in the rock adjacent to the tunnels will be one of the potential pathways for radioactive contaminant transport,. The potential pathways will be sealed by closure components, that is, a combination of tunnel plug, backfill and grout, the latter material being a clay-based mixture in consideration of the need for long-term stability of the seals. Clay-based grout is one of the effective candidate materials that can be used to interrupt the migration of radionuclides through an EDZ. Laboratory testing of clay-based grout using pulverized bentonite, with the objective of improvement in grout penetration into a rockmass, was conducted. The results showed that the pulverization of clay-based grout had a positive effect on filtration.



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