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Report No.

LET dependence of the yield of DNA strand breaks, base lesions and clustered damage sites induced in fully hydrated plasmid DNA films by ion particles

Yokoya, Akinari; Ushigome, Takeshi*; Tauchi, Hiroshi*; Suzuki, Masao*; Tsuruoka, Chizuru*; Noguchi, Miho; Fujii, Kentaro; Shikazono, Naoya; Watanabe, Ritsuko

In order to clarify the characteristics of DNA damage induced by high LET radiation, the yields of strand breaks and base lesions induced in closed-circular plasmid DNA (pUC18) were measured after exposing to various kinds of radiation (He, Ne and C ions; 2 to 900 keV/$$mu$$m). Base excision repair enzymes were used to detect oxidative base lesions. The obtained results show that (1) the yield of prompt SSBs does not depend significantly on the LET, (2) whereas the yield of DSBs increases with increasing LET, (3) The yields of isolated nucleobase lesions detected by enzymes decrease drastically with increasing LET and (4) C and Ne ions induce less base lesions than He ions when compared in the same LET region. These results indicate that the yield of cluster of nucleobase lesions, which are less readily processed by the base excision repair proteins, depends not only LET but also ion species irradiated.



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