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Progress of conversion system from CAD data to MCNP geometry data in Japan

Sato, Satoshi; Nashif, H.*; Masuda, Fukuzo*; Morota, Hidetsugu*; Iida, Hiromasa*; Konno, Chikara  

Automatic conversion systems from CAD data to MCNP geometry input data have been developed to convert the CAD data of the fusion reactor with very complicated structure. So far, three conversion systems (GEOMIT-1, ARCNCP and GEOMIT-2) have been developed. The void data can be created in these systems. GEOMIT-1 was developed in 2007, and a lot of manual shape splitting works for the CAD data were required to successfully convert the complicated geometry. ARCNCP was developed in 2008. The algorithm has been drastically improved on automatic creation of ambiguous surface in ARCNCP, and manual shape splitting works can be drastically reduced. The latest system, GEOMIT-2, does not require additional commercial software packages, though the previous systems require them. It has also functions of the CAD data healing and the automatic shape splitting. The geometrical errors of the CAD data can be automatically revised by the healing function, and the complicated geometries can be automatically split into the simple geometries by the shape splitting function. Any manual works are not required in GEOMIT-2. The latest system is very useful for nuclear analyses of fusion reactors.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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