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Report No.

Steam-water pressure drop under high pressure condition

Liu, W.; Tamai, Hidesada; Yoshida, Hiroyuki  ; Takase, Kazuyuki; Hayafune, Hiroki; Futagami, Satoshi  ; Kisohara, Naoyuki 

For the Steam Generator (SG) in a commercialized sodium cooled faster breeder reactor, flow instability in water side is one of the most important items need researching. As the first step of the research, thermal hydraulics experiments using water as test fluid were performed under high pressure condition at JAEA with using a circular tube. Pressure drop, heat transfer coefficients and void fraction data were derived. This paper focuses on the discussion to steam - water pressure drop. We evaluated existing correlations for two-phase flow multiplier under high pressure. As a result, Chismholm correlation was confirmed being the best one for the present high pressure data.



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