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Report No.

Storage and disposal of the high level waste from the advanced FBR fuel cycle

Nishihara, Kenji  ; Oigawa, Hiroyuki ; Nakayama, Shinichi ; Fujiwara, Takeshi; Kobayashi, Hidekazu ; Kano, Shigeru; Sasage, Kenichi; Yamashita, Teruo ; Ono, Kiyoshi ; Shiotani, Hiroki

The reduction of the storage facility and repository were evaluated for the cases with or without partitioning of Sr-Cs and transmutation of MA in the advanced FBR fuel cycle with the cost estimation for the storage facilities, transporting and repository. As the result, the transmutation of minor actinides is inevitable for the small repository because the heat generation by $$^{241}$$Am is considerable in FBR. The introduction of partitioning, transmutation and long-term storage enable the very compact layout in the repository like TRU wastes such as hulls and end-pieces of the fuel assembly. The cost for the storage and disposal in this case is much smaller than that in other cases, which mitigates the cost increase by the separation process and transmutor.



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