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Report No.

Charge collection efficiency of 6H-SiC P$$^{+}$$N diodes degraded by low-energy electron irradiation

Iwamoto, Naoya; Onoda, Shinobu; Oshima, Takeshi; Kojima, Kazutoshi*; Koizumi, Atsushi*; Uchida, Kazuo*; Nozaki, Shinji*

Electron irradiation effects on the charge collection efficiency (CCE) of the 6H-SiC p$$^{+}$$n diodes were investigated. The diodes were irradiated with electrons at energies from 100 keV to 1 MeV. The value of CCE of the diodes using alpha particles compared before and after the electron irradiations. In the case of 100 keV electron, no significant change in CCE was observed. On the other hand, above 200 keV, the values of CCE decreased with increasing fluence. The degradation was larger with increasing incident electron energy.



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