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Report No.

Application of seismic interferometry using the vibration caused by the shafts excavation in the granite

Hodotsuka, Yasuyuki; Matsuoka, Toshiyuki; Tokuyasu, Shingo

Seismic interferometry is an investigation method used to deduce geological structures in the subsurface, by performing cross-correlations between the traces of each record and synthesizing similar data obtained by reflection seismic surveying on surface. In this study, Seismic interferometry using the vibration under the construction works, such as borehole drilling and mucking, etc. at the horizontal tunnel in the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory, had been carried out to develop the method that obtain seismic image. The reflection image obtained from seismic interferometry using deconvolution has a high signal to noise (S/N) ratio compared to reflection images from normal seismic interferometry.



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