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Report No.

Preparation of low O/M MOX pellets for fast reactors using carbothermic reduction

Murakami, Tatsutoshi ; Kato, Masato   ; Suzuki, Kiichi  ; Uno, Hiroki*

The sintering behavior of the de-waxed pellets containing about 3000 ppm of carbon was analyzed during the sintering process using thermal gravimetry and dilatometer measurements as a parameter of the ratio of hydrogen partial pressure-to-moisture partial pressure (H$$_{2}$$/H$$_{2}$$O) in the sintering atmosphere. The attained O/M ratio and the shrinkage rate increased with decreasing H$$_{2}$$/H$$_{2}$$O ratio in the sintering atmosphere. As a result, it is considered that a carbothermic reduction caused the significant decrease of the O/M ratio in the case of the sintering in the atmosphere of high H$$_{2}$$/H$$_{2}$$O ratio. In contrast, decrement of O/M ratio could be inhibited by keeping the oxygen potential of the atmosphere high in the case of the sintering in the atmosphere of lower H$$_{2}$$/H$$_{2}$$O ratio.



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