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Report No.

Geomicrobiological properties of ultra-deep granitic groundwater from the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU), Central Japan

Fukuda, Akari*; Hagiwara, Hiroki  ; Ishimura, Toyoho*; Kozuka, Mariko*; Ioka, Seiichiro*; Amano, Yuki   ; Tsunogai, Urumu*; Suzuki, Yohei*; Mizuno, Takashi   

To better understand the geochemical and microbiological relationships, we characterized granitic groundwater collected from a 1,148 to 1,169 -m deep borehole interval at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory site, Japan, in 2005 and 2008. Geochemical analyses of the groundwater samples indicated that major electron acceptors, such as NO$$_{3}$$$$^{-}$$ and SO$$_{4}$$$$^{2-}$$, were not abundant, while dissolved organic carbon (not including organic acids), CH$$_{4}$$ and H$$_{2}$$ were moderately rich. The most common phylotypes were both related to ${it Thauera}$ spp., the cultivated members of which can utilize minor electron donors, such as aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons. Geomicrobiological results suggest that deep granitic groundwater has been stably colonized by ${it Thauera}$ spp. probably owing to the limitation of O$$_{2}$$, NO$$_{3}$$$$^{-}$$ and organic acids.



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