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Report No.

Metal adsorption of carboxymethyl cellulose/carboxymethyl chitosan blend hydrogels prepared by $$gamma$$ irradiation

Hiroki, Akihiro; Tran, H. T.*; Nagasawa, Naotsugu; Yagi, Toshiaki*; Tamada, Masao

To investigate an adsorption of Pb and Au ions, blend hydrogels based on the carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and carboxymethyl chitosan (CMCts) were prepared by $$gamma$$-irradiation of a high concentrated CMC/CMCts aqueous solution. The blend hydrogels showed a degree of swelling in the range of 30 to about 550 g -water/g -dried gel. The gel fraction of the blend hydrogels increased sharply up to 30 kGy and reached a constant value in the range of 100-200 kGy. The gel fraction of the blend hydrogel decreased with increasing the ratio of CMCts. Nitrogen content in the hydrogels was determined by means of elemental analysis. The nitrogen content in the obtained hydrogels was proportional to the ratio of CMCts in the mixture, which was almost equal with theoretical ones. This is indicated that the obtained hydrogels were constructed at the initial ratio of CMC/CMCts. The rate of the metal ions adsorbed to the blend hydrogels increased with increasing the composition of CMCts. In the case of Pb, the CMC/CMCts blend gels showed the enhancement of the adsorption rate in the range of 55% to 80%. Although the adsorption rate of Au ions was only 10% at CMC/CMCts 100/0, it reached at 60% at 75/25, and then increased up to about 90% at 0/100. The obtained blend hydrogels had high adsorption performance which was controlled by adjusting the composition of CMC/CMCts.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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