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Report No.

Current status of $$^{14}$$C measurement at JAEA-AMS-MUTSU

Tanaka, Takayuki; Kabuto, Shoji; Kinoshita, Naoki; Yamamoto, Nobuo

An accelerator mass spectrometry at Mutsu office, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA AMS MUTSU) was established in 1997 and the routine operation of radiocarbon measurement was started from 1999. The radiocarbon was measured by 1,193 samples last year, and the number of radiocarbon measurements reached 8,809 samples since the routine operation. This AMS has adopted the open door policy for the general users from the fiscal year of 2006 and various researches have been in progress by many users. As a operate system of this AMS had been controlled under Windows 3.1 since installation, it was difficult to purchase spare parts which are compatible with Windows 3.1. The operation system was upgraded to Windows XP in this year. In this presentation, I introduce the current status of JAEA AMS MUTSU, upgrading of the operation system and moreover an extraction method for determination of dissolved organic radiocarbon which was developed in this year.



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