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Aspire to become TAKUMI; TAKUMI present status and research topics

Harjo, S.   ; Aizawa, Kazuya  ; Ito, Takayoshi; Arima, Hiroshi; Abe, Jun; Moriai, Atsushi; Sakasai, Kaoru  ; Nakamura, Tatsuya  ; Nakatani, Takeshi ; Iwahashi, Takaaki; Kamiyama, Takashi

The construction of The Engineering Materials Diffractometer, TAKUMI of J-PARC has been finished on March 2009, and the commissioning has been started from September 2008 being parallel with the final stage of the construction. In the commissioning, after checking the validity and the stability of the detectors and the data acquisition system, we checked powder diffraction data of a 2 mm diameter of annealed piano wire with combination of beam collimation (high resolution mode), and confirmed that resolution $$Delta$$$$d$$/$$d$$ of less than 0.2% can be achieved. We also reports preliminary results from researches using TAKUMI.



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Category:Materials Science, Characterization & Testing



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