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Report No.

Materials structure and strain analysis using time-of-flight neutron diffraction

Zhang, S. Y.*; Godfrey, E.*; Abbey, B.*; Xu, P. G.   ; Tomota, Yo*; Liljedahl, D.*; Zanellato, O.*; Fitzpatrick, M.*; Kelleher, J.*; Siano, S.*; Santisteban, J.*; Korsunsky, A. M.*

Pulsed neutron beams available at the ISIS spallation source offer diverse possibilities for materials characterization using diffraction and imaging. In this paper, we review a range of applications of the time-of-flight neutron diffraction for the characterization of phase transformations and residual stress states in industrially-relevant situations. The setup of the ENGIN-X instrument at ISIS is described, followed by a series of case studies based on the recently obtained results.



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