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Report No.

Mult-code ${{it ab initio}}$ calculation of ionization distributions and radiation losses for tungsten in tokamak plasmas

Ralchenko, Y.*; Abdallah, J. Jr.*; Bar-Shalom, A.*; Bauche, J.*; Bauche-Arnoult, C.*; Bowen, C.*; Busquet, M.*; Chung, H.-K.*; Colgan, J.*; Faussurier, G.*; Fontes, C. J.*; Foster, M.*; de Gaufridy de Dortan, F.*; Golovkin, I.*; Hansen, S. B.*; Klapisch, M.*; Lee, R. W.*; Novikov, V.*; Oreg, J.*; Peyrusse, O.*; Poirier, M.*; Sasaki, Akira; Scott, H.*; Zhang, H. L.*

We present calculations of ionization balance and radioactive power losses for tungsten in magnetic fusion plasmas. The simulation were performed within the framework of non-LTE code comparison workshops utilizing independent collisional-radioactive models. The calculations generally agree with each other, however, a clear disagreement with experimental ionization distributions at low temperatures, 2 keV $$<$$ $$T$$$$_{e}$$ $$<$$ 3 keV.



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