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Report No.

Structural analysis of molten TbF$$_3$$-LiF

Numakura, Masahiko*; Bessada, C.*; Ory, S.*; Rakhamatullin, A.*; Akatsuka, Hiroshi*; Nezu, Atsushi*; Yaita, Tsuyoshi; Okamoto, Yoshihiro  ; Shiwaku, Hideaki   ; Matsuura, Haruaki*

To investigate the local structure of molten TbF$$_3$$ - LiF (x[TbF$$_3$$ = 0.2), X-ray absorption fine structure technique (XAFS) was applied using by BL11XU in SPring-8. By several analyses, e.g. X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry, it had been confirmed that TbF$$_{3}$$ and boron nitride reacted at less than 1073 K even under helium gas flow environment, thus, we focused on the spectrum obtained below 1073 K. According to the curve fitting, the interionic distance obtained from the data of heating between 933 K and 1013 K was shorter than solid state. It would be surely molten state of TbF$$_3$$ - LiF (x[TbF$$_3$$] = 0.2), since the value of distance obtained, i.e. 2.26${AA}$ corresponds to the sum of ionic radii of Tb$$^{3+}$$ and F$$^-$$.



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