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Wet-digestion of environmental sample using silver-mediated electrochemical method

桑原 潤 

Kuwabara, Jun


In pretreatment of environmental samples such as food for measurement of I-129, dry ashing method with electric furnace is often used. On the dry ashing method, suspicious case to certify the homogeneity of iodine from both sample and carrier may occur due to low iodine recovery depending on the sample type. In this study, wet ashing with silver-mediated electrochemical method was applied to pretreatment of environmental sample analysis. Dried Laminariaceae (Konbu) sample was tried to digest using electrolysis device with nitric acid and silver nitrate. At the condition of 1g sample, $$<$$10V and $$<$$2A, fibrous suspended matter disappeared in about 24 hours.



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