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Report No.

XMCD spectroscopy on valence fluctuating and heavy fermion compounds in very high magnetic fields up to 40 T

Matsuda, Yasuhiro*; Her, J. L.*; Inami, Toshiya; Owada, Kenji; Ouyang, Z. W.*; Okada, Kyoko*; Nojiri, Hiroyuki*; Mitsuda, Akihiro*; Wada, Hirofumi*; Yoshimura, Kazuyoshi*; Amitsuka, Hiroshi*; Kawamura, Naomi*; Suzuki, Motohiro*; Kotani, Akira*

$$L$$-edge X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) and X-ray absorption spectra (XAS) in several rare-earth elements have been studied in pulsed high magnetic fields up to 40 T. XMCD spectrum of Eu in EuNi$$_2$$(Si$$_{0.18}$$Ge$$_{0.82}$$)$$_2$$ shows a characteristic two peak structure, reflecting the valence fluctuation. However, in YbInCu$$_4$$, it is found that the XMCD spectrum of Yb shows only a single peak. In contrast to XMCD, two absorption bands in XAS are observed in both compounds. The intensity ratio between the two absorption bands changes significantly with increasing magnetic field in these materials, suggesting the field-induced valence change. The high magnetic field XMCD and XAS measurements have also been conducted in an antiferromagnetic heavy fermion compound CeRh$$_2$$Si$$_2$$. The Ce valence is found to be nearly trivalent and insensitive to magnetic field. The XMCD at Ce $$L$$$$_{2}$$-edge increases rapidly around 26 T corresponding to the metamagnetic transition.



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Category:Physics, Condensed Matter



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