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Report No.

Thermal conductivities of Cs-$$M$$-O ($$M$$ = Mo or U) ternary compounds

Tokushima, Kazuyuki*; Tanaka, Kosuke  ; Kurosaki, Ken*; Gima, Hiromichi*; Muta, Hiroaki*; Uno, Masayoshi*; Yamanaka, Shinsuke*

The thermal diffusivities of Cs$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$ and Cs$$_{2}$$UO$$_{4}$$ using samples fabricated by hot press and SPS techniques were measured by a laser flash method in the range from room temperature to 823 K for Cs$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$ and to 900 K for Cs$$_{2}$$UO$$_{4}$$. The thermal conductivities of these cesium ternary oxides were quite low compared with UO$$_{2}$$ and MOX fuel. This is consistent with previous findings. These results would be useful for evaluating the thermal performance of MOX fuels at the high burn-up region in the fast reactors.



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