※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Measurement of RF transmission mode in ITER relevant EC H&CD transmission line

ITER対応EC H&CD伝送系における伝搬モードの計測

小田 靖久; 梶原 健; 高橋 幸司; 春日井 敦; Shapiro, M.*; Temkin, R.*; 坂本 慶司

Oda, Yasuhisa; Kajiwara, Ken; Takahashi, Koji; Kasugai, Atsushi; Shapiro, M.*; Temkin, R.*; Sakamoto, Keishi

In this report, the preliminary results of the mode measurement in the ITER relevant 40 m distance transmission test line composed from 63.5 mm corrugated waveguides and miter bends are presented. The field patterns were measured by taking temperature profiles on a paper screen placed in front of the waveguide end using an infrared imaging camera. The complex electric field at the waveguide end was retrieved from the measured temperature profiles. As a result, the transmission power included 87% of HE$$_{11}$$ mode and 6% of LP$$_{11}$$ odd (HE$$_{21}$$+TE$$_{01}$$) mode and small ratios of other modes and the mode content ratio had small dependence on length of the transmission line. This was because LP$$_{11}$$ mode which was generated at the initial coupling propagated through the transmission line. Hence the initial coupling of gyrotron beam into the transmission line is important to improve mode purity.



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