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Report No.

Research on high conversion type FLWR (HC-FLWR) core

Nakano, Yoshihiro ; Fukaya, Yuji   ; Akie, Hiroshi  ; Ishikawa, Nobuyuki; Okubo, Tsutomu; Uchikawa, Sadao

A series of research on a high conversion type innovative water reactor for flexible fuel cycle (FLWR) has been conducted. This FLWR is a boiling water reactor (BWR) with a tight triangular fuel rod lattice and the uranium plutonium mixed oxide (MOX) fuel. FLWR is designed for two types of cores to be developed in succession. The preceding core is a high conversion type FLWR (HC-FLWR) and the other core is Reduced Moderation Water Reactor (RMWR) of which the conversion ratio is more than 1.0. Three design studies and a senario study on HC-FLWR are presented in this report. The first design study is for a representative core. The second one is for a transition core from HC-FLWR to RMWR. In the transition core, both assemblies for HC-FLWR and RMWR exist. The third one is for a core to recycle minor actinides (MAs). Regarding to the scenario study, based on design results of the representative core, effective plutonium utilization in future LWR was considered within general framework.



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