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Report No.

Development of advanced two-fluid model for boiling two-phase flow in rod bundles

Yoshida, Hiroyuki  ; Hosoi, Hideaki*; Suzuki, Takayuki*; Takase, Kazuyuki

Two-fluid model is useful for thermal hydraulic analysis in large-scale domain such as rod bundles. However, the two-fluid model includes a lot of constitutive equations. Then, applicability of these constitutive equations must be verified by use of experimental results. To solve these problems, we have been developing an advanced two-fluid model. In this model, an interface tracking method is combined with the two-fluid model to predict large interface structures behavior accurately. Interface structures larger than a computational cells, such as large droplets and bubbles, are calculated using the interface tracking method. And those smaller than cells are simulated by the two-fluid model. In this study, we modified this model to improve the stability of simulation and reduce the computational time. Moreover, the numerical simulation of two-phase flow in various flow channels including boiling two-phase flow were performed.



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