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Thermodynamic data of compounds and complexes of metal elements with organic ligands for JAEA-TDB

三原 守弘  

Mihara, Morihiro


It is planned that JAEA-TDB has been developed modifying JNC-TDB released in 1999 by the end of FYJ 2009. The JAEA-TDB is planned to include thermodynamic data of compounds and complexes of metal elements with organic ligands which were not included in JNC-TDB. This report shows the selected thermodynamic data of compounds and complexes of metal elements with organic ligands which might be included in TRU waste in JAEA-TDB. Selected organics are oxalic acid, citric acid, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and iso-saccharinic acid (ISA) which were of interest in the OECD/NEA. The thermodynamic data evaluated by OECD/NEA were selected for JAEA-TDB. However, selected values by OECD/NEA are limited to evaluate the solubility calculation. Therefore, other published values and estimated values by LFER are also selected as tentative values for JAEA-TDB.



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