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Report No.

Investigation on new scintillators for subnanosecond time-resolved X-ray measurements

Haruki, Rie; Shibuya, Kengo*; Nishikido, Fumihiko*; Koshimizu, Masanori*; Yoda, Yoshitaka*; Kishimoto, Shunji*

We investigated new X-ray detectors for nuclear resonant scattering measurements with high energy X-rays. The organic-inorganic perovskite scintillator of phenethylamine lead halide ((C$$_{6}$$H$$_{5}$$C$$_{2}$$H$$_{4}$$NH$$_{3}$$)$$_{2}$$PbX$$_{4}$$) (X:Br, I) was used. These compounds have fast light emission due to an exciton. They include heavy atoms, which make the detector to have high efficiency to high energy X-rays. The merit of these scintillators is that we can make a thick crystal compared to a Si wafer which is used in an avalanche photo-diode detector. We successfully measured 67.41 keV X-ray signals, the energy of $$^{61}$$Ni nuclear resonant scattering, with high detection efficiency of 42.5% by the scintillator.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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