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Report No.

Extremely large and anisotropic upper critical field and the ferromagnetic instability in UCoGe

Aoki, Dai*; Matsuda, Tatsuma; Taufour, V.*; Hassinger, E.*; Knebel, G.*; Flouquet, J.*

Magnetoresistivity measurements with fine tuning of the field direction on high quality single crystals of the ferromagnetic superconductor UCoGe show anomalous anisotropy of the upper critical field $$H_{rm c2}$$. $$H_{rm c2}$$ for $$H||b$$-axis ($$H_{rm c2}^b$$) in the orthorhombic crystal structure is strongly enhanced with decreasing temperature with an S-shape and reaches nearly 20 T at 0 K. The temperature dependence of $$H_{rm c2}^a$$ shows upward curvature with a low temperature value exceeding 30 T, while $$H_{rm c2}^c$$ at 0K is very small ($$sim$$0.6 T).Contrary to conventional ferromagnets, the decrease of the Curie temperature with increasing field for $$H||$$$$b$$-axis marked by an enhancement of the effective mass of the conduction electrons appears to be the origin of the S-shaped $$H_{rm c2}^b$$ curve. These results indicate that the field-induced ferromagnetic instability or magnetic quantum criticality reinforces superconductivity.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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