※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

JMTR UCL高架水槽基礎部の健全性調査

Investigation on integrity of JMTR UCL elevated water tank

木村 正 ; 大戸 勤; 宮内 優; 根本 宣昭; 飛田 健治; 深作 秋富; 高橋 邦裕

Kimura, Tadashi; Oto, Tsutomu; Miyauchi, Masaru; Nemoto, Nobuaki; Tobita, Kenji; Fukasaku, Akitomi; Takahashi, Kunihiro


In order to investigate an integrity of the UCL (Utility Cooling Line) elevated water tank to be used for a long term after the JMTR restart, investigation on the base of the UCL elevated tank, especially for the part which had a significant aged effect, was carried out before the refurbishment work of the JMTR related facilities which had begun in FY2007. In the integrity investigation, it was confirmed that some part of the base bolts had significant aged effects, there were no evidence of crack and false indication in the welding region though thinning were observed in some parts of the base plate and the surrounding plate. After the investigation, repair works such as re-painting of the UCL elevated water tank were carried out from the viewpoint of prevention of flaking off, floating of the painting and the thinning due to corrosion based on the investigation results. In order to maintain the integrity of the UCL elevated tank, the periodical maintenance and the repair works of the base of the UCL elevated tank are important for continuous use of it in future.



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