※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

転換施設の放射線環境評価; 解体設備のインベントリーと空間線量の評価, 2

Radiation environment account before dismantling the conversion facilities; Evaluation of the uranium inventory and air dose rate in the dismantling facilities, 2

高橋 信雄; 横山 薫; 森本 靖之; 島池 政満; 池上 宗平; 杉杖 典岳

Takahashi, Nobuo; Yokoyama, Kaoru; Morimoto, Yasuyuki; Shimaike, Masamitsu; Ikegami, Sohei; Sugitsue, Noritake


At the reprocessed uranium conversion facilities, Hydration and Conversion room-1,2,3, Dehydration and Conversion room-1,2, Dry process filter room have been dismantled according to the schedule, in 2009 fiscal year. The $$gamma$$-ray measurement had been carried out before dismantlement to evaluate the radioactivity inventory. As a result, the uranium recovery work was forecasted for reasonable dismantlement. In addition, the feature nuclide affecting the results of the measurement on the air dose was evaluated. Additionally, as the waste data, $$gamma$$-ray analysis results are shown.



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