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Report No.

Estimation of $$^{222}$$Rn concentration in the lower troposphere during precipitation using wet scavenging model for its decay products

Takeyasu, Masanori ; Takeishi, Minoru 

The atmospheric $$^{222}$$Rn concentration in rain clouds was estimated by using the wet scavenging model of its decay products with the observed data of the environmental radiation. The origin of the $$^{222}$$Rn was also discussed, when a large increase of the radiation was observed. The estimation was done for a rainfall event on Dec. 26-27, 2003, when a large increase of the radiation was observed in Tokai-mura in Ibaraki, Japan. From a backward trajectory analysis, the origin of $$^{222}$$Rn atoms for that event was back-tracked to the northeastern part of China, and it was expected that the large amount of $$^{222}$$Rn exhalated in the northeastern part of China was transported to Tokai-mura by the Eurasian continental air mass.



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