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Report No.

Large-volume static compression using nano-polycrystalline diamond for opposed anvils in compact cells

Okuchi, Takuo*; Sasaki, Shigeo*; Osakabe, Toyotaka  ; Ono, Yoshiki*; Odake, Shoko*; Kagi, Hiroyuki*

We prepared super-hard nano-polycrystalline diamond (NPD) anvils for large-volume compression for intrinsically low-sensitivity methods of measurement, such as neutron scattering and NMR. These anvils are harder, larger and stronger than single crystal diamond anvils, so that they could play an ideal role to accept the larger forces. We tested supported and unsupported anvil geometries separately by using two types of compact high-pressure cells and could generate the pressure of 14 GPa for the sample volume of 0.1 mm$$^{3}$$ or more. The test results demonstrate a large future potential of NPD anvils for large-volume compression.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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