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Simple orchestration application framework to control "Burning Plasma Integrated Code"

Tatekawa, Takayuki; Nakajima, Kohei*; Teshima, Naoya; Kim, G.; Suzuki, Yoshio   ; Takemiya, Hiroshi; Hayashi, Nobuhiko; Iba, Katsuyuki*

We have developed the Simple Orchestration Application Framework (SOAF) on a grid infrastructure to control cooperative and multiple execution of simulation codes on remote computers from a client PC. SOAF enables researchers to generate a scenario of their executions by only describing a configuration file which includes the information of execution codes and file flows among them. SOAF does not need substantial modification of the simulation codes. We have applied SOAF to the "Burning Plasma Integrated Code" which consists of various plasma simulation codes which exist on distributed heterogeneous computers located in different sites. We succeeded in cooperative and concurrent execution of four plasma simulation codes without substantial modification.



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