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Report No.

WAZA-ARI; Computational dosimetry system for X-ray CT examinations, 2; Development of web-based system

Ban, Nobuhiko*; Takahashi, Fumiaki  ; Ono, Koji*; Hasegawa, Takayuki*; Yoshitake, Takayasu*; Katsunuma, Yasushi*; Sato, Kaoru   ; Endo, Akira   ; Kai, Michiaki*

We are developing a web-based system, WAZA-ARI, for the dose calculation of patients undergoing X-ray CT examinations. Tissue doses were calculated in a Japanese adult male phantom (JM phantom) using a Monte Carlo code, PHITS, and the normalized dose coefficient data are stored as XML files. The system is implemented in Java on a Linux server running Apache Tomcat, which is accessed via a web browser over a network. Users are requested to choose scanning options and to input parameters in the data entry screen. The corresponding dose data are called upon input, and they are summed over the scan range specified by the user to estimate unit tissue doses. Tissue doses are computed based on the radiographic exposure (mAs), the beam pitch and air kerma at the beam center on the axis of rotation. Users can also use their own air kerma, CTDI vol and DLP values for the dose computation instead of the default setting. Although the dose coefficients are prepared for only limited CT scanner models currently, our system has achieved high usability and easy maintenance without commercial software. Possibility of further expansion for the practical application is also discussed.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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