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Report No.

FP release experiment

Hidaka, Akihide   

In VEGA program on radionuclide release from fuel under severe accident condition, totally 10 tests were performed under inert and steam atmospheres including the highest pressure or temperature conditions from 1999 to 2004. These tests showed that increase in release rate at high temperature around UO$$_{2}$$ melting point and decrease in release rate under elevated pressure that was a first observation in the world. The data on low-volatile radionuclide release, release from MOX fuel, the effect of fuel oxidation and eutectic reaction with cladding on radionuclide release were obtained through the tests. In addition, the effect of obtained results on the source term evaluation and effectiveness of the accident management measures were examined. This manuscript summarizes the above described outcomes of VEGA program that have been already submitted to academic societies or international conferences.



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