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Report No.

Charge transfer cross section of dysprosium

Shibata, Takemasa; Ogura, Koichi; Koike, Fumihiro*

Symmetric charge transfer of dysprosium has two reaction paths which are resonant and non-resonant due to open shells of f electrons inside 6s electrons. Formerly, we calculated the cross sections by assuming that the resonant and non-resonant reactions proceed independently in proportion to their statistical weights. However, this assumption is not correct because there are transitions between the resonant and non-resonant states. In the present paper, the cross sections of dysprosium was calculated considering interactions among all resonant and non-resonant states in the impact-parameter method. It was found that the cross sections are much larger than those calculated on the assumption of the independence of the resonant and non-resonant reactions and slightly small compared with the usual symmetric resonance charge transfer. Moreover, the calculated cross sections are very close to the measured values.



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