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Report No.

Verification analysis of thermoluminescent albedo neutron dosimetry at MOX fuel facilities

Nakagawa, Takahiro ; Takada, Chie ; Tsujimura, Norio   

Radiation workers engaging in the fabrication of MOX fuels are exposed to neutrons, and hence thermoluminescent albedo dosemeters (TLAD) need to be used at JAEA-NCL. Because estimating the doses using TLADs are susceptible to the neutron energy spectrum, the authors have issued TLADs incorporating Solid-State Nuclear Tracks Detectors (SSNTDs) to selected workers who are routinely exposed to neutrons and been analyzing the relationship between the SSNTD and the TLAD (T/Rf) over the past 6 years. Consequently, the $$T$$/$$R$$$$_{rm f}$$ in each year was 10-20 (3.363 mm$$^{-2}$$)/(mSv $$^{137}$$Cs eq.), which is smaller than the data during 1991-1993, although the neutron spectra had not changed compared with that of the early 1990s. This decrease of the $$T$$/$$R$$$$_{rm f}$$ implies that the ratio of work carried out nearby the gloveboxes to total work decreased.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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