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Report No.

Nuclear mass visualization and analysis at

Smith, M. S.*; Lingerfelt, E. J.*; Nesaraja, C. D.*; Koura, Hiroyuki   ; Kondev, F. G.*

The masses of nuclei play an important role in a wide variety of studies, such as simulations of r-process nucleosynthesis occurring in supernovae, global models of the structure of nuclei, and statistical model calculations of reaction cross sections. More, mass measurements are being made than ever before. To handle the substantial amount of new mass information, we have built an online suite of codes that enables researchers to quickly and efficiently visualize and analyze nuclear mass datasets. Our system is a platform-independent client-server application that accommodates the latest mass measurements and theoretical mass models. We have provided a first set of mass dataset analysis tools which can switch from 2d plots of masses to plots of separation energies. We have recently added the capability to visualize the two-neutron separation energy surface. The website hosting our code suite also provides an easy mechanism to inform the community of nuclear masses.



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