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Simple orchestration application framework to control integrated simulations on grid

Tatekawa, Takayuki; Nakajima, Kohei*; Kim, G.; Kino, Chiaki; Teshima, Naoya; Suzuki, Yoshio   ; Takemiya, Hiroshi

We have introduced about the framework to make the integration of large and complicated simulation such as a proof strength simulation of nuclear power plants and a control simulation of nuclear fusion plasma which codes are installed to distributed computers. We able to carry out detailed simulations by integrating various simulation methods with development of simulation technique. However it becomes a burden to control the integration of each simulation code for researchers. We have noticed that the execution scenarios of each code in cooperated simulation are roughly categorized to workflow type, pipeline type, and conditional branch type. Then we have developed the framework in which just write those patterns in a configuration file and achieve the cooperative execution of element codes without substantial modification of simulation codes.



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