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Report No.

Development of an atmosphere-soil-vegetation model for investigation of radioactive materials transport in the terrestrial biosphere

Katata, Genki; Nagai, Haruyasu  ; Zhang, L.*; Held, A.*; Ser$c{c}$a, D.*; Klemm, O.*

In order to investigate the transport of radioactive materials we have developed a one-dimensional numerical model that predicts the transfer of water, heat, and gaseous and particulate matters in atmosphere-soil-vegetation continuous system. The model calculates dry, wet and fog deposition of gaseous and particulate matters onto vegetation, taken into account the dependency of plant species such as leaf shape and leaf surface area. As a result of performance tests of the model under various environmental conditions, the model predicted the observed temporal changes in heat, water and CO$$_{2}$$ fluxes over vegetative and non-vegetative surface, and temperature, water content, and CO$$_{2}$$ concentration in the soil under the temperate and arid climate. The model also reproduced observational data of mass fluxes of fog water and atmospheric gases such as ozone and $$SO_{2}$$, and number flux of nano-sized aerosols over the vegetation.



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