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Theory of ac Josephson effects in multiple tunneling junctions; A Probe of $$pm s$$-wave in iron-based superconductors

Ota, Yukihiro; Nakai, Noriyuki; Nakamura, Hiroki  ; Machida, Masahiko  ; Inotani, Daisuke*; Ohashi, Yoji*; Koyama, Tomio*; Matsumoto, Hideki*

An enormous amount of studies has been devoted to the identification of the pairing symmetry in iron-based superconductors. We show a theory of Josephson junctions with multi-gap superconductors. We focus on a heterotic (multi-band)superconductor- insulator-(one-band)superconductor junction. We derive the Ambegaokar-Baratoff relation. We evaluate a lower bound of $$J_{rm c}R_{rm n}$$ for $$s$$-wave without sign change, which may correspond to a upper bound for $$pm s$$-wave. Next, we discuss how a fluctuation of relative phases between the gaps and the symmetry modify the Shapiro step. Thus, we propose a direct method to identify $$pm s$$-wave.



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